Kriegsalbum – Was die neuen Heimkehrer nach Hause bringen
(waralbum – what the new homecomer are carrying home)
Germany since 1999 is a country contributing actively to wars. In „Kriegsalbum“ (Waralbum) from Lukas Matthaei, Milena Kipfmüller and Klaus Janek people coming home from wars – soldiers, journalists and doctors – tell their very personal stories about what they lived through. They let us have a glimpse in real scenary of military conflicts that in situ are much more confused and brutal than the “cleaned” pictures in everyday news. These experiences doesn´t have exclusivly an impact on their personal lives but as well on our culture. „Kriegsalbum“ gives us an audible picture of these peoples experiances and let the
m enter into an acoustic dialogue with the everyday sounds of Berlin.
Being an arts project the work doesn’t inform only on a cognitive level, but seeks to put the spectator in a wider auditive place. The spoken material becomes the source of music composition. The engagement with the topic brought us to abstract the content from the musicallity of the language and to use these qualities for the composition of a 3 movement fugue, where spoken words, fieldrecordings and original music material are the corresponding elements.
The structure and idea was/is to perform the piece live using the elements and ingredients
july 18th 2015 invitation at Hörspielsommer Leipzig, below the picture of the live performance
feb 15th 2015, invitation at SonOhr Hörspiel Festival, Bern
Picture of the premiere at Akademie der Künste, Pariser Platz, Berlin
In collaboration with the RBB – Radio Berlin Brandenburg
24.- 28. November five Short Radio Plays linked to the Kriegsalbum broadcasted as well in the rbb
24.11: short-play 1/5 – The Journalists
25.11: short-play 2/5 – The Helpers
26.11: short-play 3/5 – The Politicians
27.11.: short-play 4/5 – The Therapists
28.11: short-play 5/5 – The Soldiers
27. November: live-premiere Kriegsalbum – was die neuen Heimkehrer nach Hause bringen in the Akademie der Künste. In the sequence we discuss with Andreas Steinhaus (Lieutenant-Colonel, division for Schnelle Kräfte), Thomas Macho (Professor for cultural history at the Humboldt-Universität Berlin) and Winfried Nachtwei (retired member of the German Bundestag, Die Grünen). Moderation: Stefan Reinecke (taz)
30. November in the radio rbb: radioplay/feature “Kriegsalbum – was die neuen Heimkehrer nach Hause bringen” (55min)h